How Time Flies

Corpus Christi Sunset

I can hardly believe it’s been over a month since I had the absolute thrill of taking part in Teen Bookfest by the Bay in Corpus Christi, TX, February 18, 2017. What an event!

With New Fan, Elizabeth Whitmire

It was such an honor to appear along with awesome YA authors, like Jennifer Mathieu, D.K. Burrows, Brendan Kiely, Miracle Austin, Jonathan Marberry, and Jeff Zentner, to name just a few. And it was a special treat to finally meet my Uncommon YA sisters, Kym Brunner, Beth Fehlbaum, Margo Kelly, and Selene Castrovilla! It truly felt like a reunion of old friends.

Uncommon Friends: Beth, Margo, Kym & Me

It was a blast introducing The Namesake to a new audience, and being part of the “Survivors” panel was a wonderful experience. The sights and warmth of Corpus Christi will be with me for a long time, and I hope to return for TBFBay 2018! I’d love to introduce The Precious Dreadful to all the amazing readers, librarians, and volunteers who made the experience truly special.

Board advertising Survivors panel discussion

Speaking of special, and in keeping with the flight of time, I want to wish the happiest of 16th birthdays to dear Jillian, today, March 25th. You’ve grown into an amazing young woman in the blink of an eye. We love you!

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