The Reviews Are Coming In!

August 1, 2013: International Sensation, Bitsy Bling, loves THE NAMESAKE! Read her beautifully-written review here:

And here’s a link to the Amazon Customer Review Page with several terrific reviews from readers:

Book Blogger, Dayla FM posted a terrific review of THE NAMESAKE. Read it on her blog, where she ranked it as the #2 book she read in 2012:

Here are a few advance comments about The Namesake:

“In this spare, poignant, and unflinching novel about a young man’s determination to comprehend his father’s suicide, Steven Parlato gives us an authentically conflicted and darkly funny narrator in Evan, as he sifts through the clues he must follow to finally accept his father’s choices… and, of course, his own.” — Meredith Zeitlin, Author, Freshman Year and Other Unnatural Disasters.”

The Namesake is a novel full of chain-reactions caused by the lust for truth. Heartbreakingly real, and a harsh wake-up call, Parlato’s novel reminds the reader that everything on the surface may appear fine, but people are made of layers upon layers of life experience.” — Book Blogger, Dayla F.M. on Blogcritics.Books

“Steven Parlato is a writer of beauty, intensity, and insight. He understands the wounds of adolescence and their power to haunt us throughout our lives, but also knows that humor and love can appear in the strangest of places, to heal us and give us hope. His book is a reflection of his integrity and compassion, and is sure to touch and inspire readers of all ages. — Edwina Trentham, Editor, Freshwater & Author, Stumbling Into the Light

“Sometimes you open a manuscript, and a voice startling in its energy and authenticity jumps off the page immediately, pulling you to attention, drawing you into the story’s heartbeat from page one. That’s what we look for–and that’s what we found in Steven Parlato’s Evan Galloway, who seemed to say, ‘Move over, Holden Caulfield. There’s a new boy in town.’” – Doe Boyle, Co-founder and Chair, Tassy Walden Award for New Voices in Children’s Literature


  1. Kym Brunner - author of Wanted: Dead or In Love says

    Wow! Congratulations on such wonderful reviews, Steve! I can only pray that mine will be that rock-solid dynamite. Can’t wait to dive in and read your book. 🙂

  2. Thanks, Kym! With your great advance buzz and “rock-solid dynamite” writing chops, I’m sure you’ll be chalking up the accolades!

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