Uncommon YA Writer Wednesday Guest Blog

YA Writer Wednesday I had the pleasure of doing an interview with Uncommon YA founder, author Beth Fehlbaum, on her YA Writer Wednesday feature. Check it out! What’s your book about? The Namesake is about a lot of things: faith, friendship, betrayal, forgiveness. The story centers on Evan Galloway, a fifteen-year-old grappling in the aftermath […]

Fresh Fiction Guest Post

I’m honored to be featured on the Fresh Fiction Website! Check out the site here Fresh Fiction for my post and contest information! A poet, I’m leery of explanations; often that perfect last line is my desperate attempt to guarantee readers get it, that the message is clear. In such cases, I hear my dear […]

Self Reflection

It’s autumn, a time when my mood generally takes an inward turn. Okay, if I’m being honest, I tend to brood year-round, though most people wouldn’t realize it. I’m a ponderer, a ruminator, perhaps most of all, a second-guesser. But I’m usually pretty successful at keeping it to myself. I mean, I’m not an obsessively […]

Tough Love

At a recent bookstore event, I experienced a cringe-worthy moment. Oddly, my distress involved a pair of shoppers interested in buying my novel, THE NAMESAKE. It’s not that these patrons were creepy or threatening. In fact, they were friendly, talkative. Heck, they looked like they’d walked straight out of a breakfast cereal commercial. The thing […]

One Thing

This post originally appeared August 20, 2013 on Uncommon YA, the home of gutsy YA fiction. Check out this awesome site where YA authors tell it like it is! One Thing. When I saw this blog assignment title, I immediately thought of that One Direction song. Admit it, you’re humming it right now. “I need […]


Is it too late for THE NAMESAKE to be considered the next big thing? See, my YA novel, THE NAMESAKE, technically released in early 2013, but it doesn’t seem fair to rob my protagonist, Evan Galloway, of his shot at 15 minutes of Next-Big-Thingness. Does it? Well, I hope not. And fellow YA author, Beth […]

Love that Cover!

Despite the familiar caution against judging a book by its cover, appearance can be a make-or-break factor in reader appeal. Great cover art is like a strong handshake, a book’s initial chance to make that all-important, positive first impression. Along with writing and teaching, I’m an artist. My undergrad degree is in graphic design. So […]

Events & Appearances

Let’s face it. Writing can be a pretty solitary pursuit. Luckily, now that The Namesake is out in the world, I’m able to connect with readers on the page. Being an author also affords me the opportunity to actually meet readers to both discuss my work and encourage others in their own writing. One of […]

Five YA Books Every Guy Should Read

Adolescence is more than an awkward pit stop along the highway to adulthood. As Five for Fighting sings in “100 Years,” the teenager is “caught between ten and twenty.” That’s an apt description because those in-between years, though filled with excitement and promise, are also fraught with confusion, uncertainty and self-doubt. For both genders, expectations […]

Web Appearances

Friday, September 6, 2013: Excited to be featured on Author Interview Friday on Confessions of a Book Addict, the awesome blog site run by Book Addict 24/7, Dayla F.M. It was my honor to have the opportunity to discuss THE NAMESAKE in depth in response to Dayla’s truly insightful questions. Take a look and leave […]

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